{{:forces:girl-motion-790x50.jpg|Forces & Motion Banner}} ====== Q9. Is There Gravity On The Moon: ====== The Moon – The purpose of this task is to discover morea about force on the Moon. This task asks students whether an object will float, fall or rise when released by an astronaut on the Moon. ++++ Q9. CLICK HERE TO SEE / HIDE STUDENT FLIP RESOURCES:| Watch the video of an astronaut working on the surface of the moon (below). * Make a list of the clues that you will use to decide if there is gravity on the Moon: {{youtube>FnLJA0Tkkk8?640x360|Astronaut working on the surface of the moon}} **Video. an astronaut working on the surface of the moon** * IF UNABLE TO ACCESS YOUTUBE VIDEO (requires Flash) TRY:[[http://viewpure.com/FnLJA0Tkkk8|Astronaut working on the surface of the moon]] ---- Experiment and see how gravitational effects are measured when varying mass and distance: [[https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/gravity-force-lab/latest/gravity-force-lab_en.html|{{:learn:forces:quiz:forces-gravity-lab-640x360.jpg|Simulation: Gravity force lab}}]] ++++ ++++ Q9. CLICK HERE TO SEE / HIDE EXTRA STUDENT FLIP RESOURCES| FIXME - Work in progress - May 2015 ---- ++++ ++++ CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT HOW THE DISCUSSION SECTION WORKS| Authorised visitors may enter comments and reply to discussions. Entering simple text content should be intuitive. Fancy content can be entered using [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki:syntax|Dokuwiki syntax]]. To upload images into the comments, use 'Media Manager'. ++++ **[[:learn:forces:discover:q09:home|CLICK HERE & SEE MORE DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES ABOUT THIS QUESTION]]**