Students learn:

Curriculum Learning Activities
SCIENCE Real world experimental design and data collection
TECHNOLOGY Use technology for analysis, diagnosis and/or improvement of human movement
ART How gravity/movement/balance can affect perception (and thus, choreography)
ENGINEERING How engineering made dance move possible (Michael Jackson shoe patent)
MATHEMATICS Methods used to synchronise sound, video, dance using authentic data

Q: Did Michael Jackson use Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM) to enhance his Art (STEAM)?

He was Michael Jackson. He could do anything. So when fans saw him do the impossible on the dance floor, they never thought he needed scientists to help!

But when the King of Pop and his dancers leaned at a gravity-defying 45 degrees in live performances of the 1987 hit “Smooth Criminal,” it was a secret gimmick – not super-human talent – that made it all possible. Source: Copy of Patent Document

Video 1. WHS Music Video 2016 - Blending music, technology and choreography

Video 2. Blending physics and choreography

Video 3. Blending physics and choreography

Video 4. How the above video was made

Choose your favourite piece of dance music and design (choreograph) your own dance.

STEAMpunk Young Dancers


Based on your investigations/results, do you think that knowing more about science is useful for a dancer?