Raspberry Pi Notes

Light - Interferometry

Audience Participation - Free Clicker Software

Blingy Voting System

Raspberry PI - Video Streaming

Using gstreamer (best so far):

On Transmitter (PI):

raspivid -t 0 -b 2000000 -w 640 -h 360 --framerate 15 --hflip -o - \
 |gst-launch-1.0 -e -vvv fdsrc \
 ! h264parse ! rtph264pay pt=96 config-interval=5 \
 ! udpsink host= port=5001

On Receiver:

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5001 ! application/x-rtp, payload=96 \
! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 \
! fpsdisplaysink sync=false text-overlay=fals

Alternative - For MPLayer (also low latency)

PI Transmitter:

raspivid -t 0 -b 2000000 -w 800 -h 600 -fps 15 -hf -o - | nc 5001

On MPlayer Receiver:

nc -l -p 5001 | mplayer -noautosub -nosub -noass -nosound \
-framedrop -nocorrect-pts -nocache -fps 50 -demuxer h264es -vo x11 -

May need to edit $HOME/.mplayer/config file and add the following line: lirc=no

Alternative - For VLC

PI Transmitter:

nc -l -p 5001 "exec raspivid -t 0 -n -w 640 -h 360 -o -"

VLC Receiver:
